
Bed Bug Biopesticide Spray Treatment

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Severe Bedbug Problem? No Worries, We Have Treatment for You!

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Bed Bug Biopesticide Spray Treatment in New York City, Long Island, Westchester County or NJ

Aprehend™ is a new product which Standard Pest Management has begun using which Contains fungal spores that are sprayed in an oil formulation and are applied strategically in a ‘band’ like pattern. This band that our Bed Bug experts will create acts as a barrier.

wavey-lines-pink-dark wavey-lines-blue-dark Bed Bug Biopesticide Spray Treatment in NYC

For most common scenarios, it acts as a barrier around the box spring of your bed. Our Bed Bug exterminators are trained to spray Aprehend™ in a very precise, deliberate manner. We say “deliberate” because we’re counting on the behavior of Bed Bugs as they travel throughout the twilight hours.

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How the Bed Bug Spray Truly Begins to Work…

In order to reach the top or bottom of the mattress, they’ll be forced to unknowingly walk through this barrier made up of billions of fungal spores which then begin to stick to the Bed Bug’s feet. Trust us when we tell you that it will stick much in the same way tape will stick to paper.

The Bed Bug will then proceed on traveling back to wherever it and the rest of its infestation are hiding out. Since the spores have travelled with it, all of the other remaining bed bugs that make contact will get stuck with some of these spores.

Bed Bug Control

Bed Bug Treatment & Inspection Options

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24 Hours is All It Takes to Permanently Disrupt a Bed Bug Infestation

Within 24 hours of Apprehend’s spores making contact with a Bed Bug’s body, they’ll begin to germinate thus entering their bloodstream. Any Bed Bug that makes contact with that spore barrier which we’ve sprayed or a Bed Bug infected with spores will die within four to seven days after transmission.

This is an exciting, revolutionary new method for exterminating Bed Bugs without the need for thermal remediation. As you’ve read, it’s exceedingly useful because it will reach nearly every single nook, cranny or hiding spot our technicians may not have access to such as, behind an electrical outlet, behind walls, within ceilings, drawers, or under the rug.

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Areas we Service

Cutting-Edge Bed Bug Biopesticide Spray Treatment Throughout NYC

  • New York City
  • Manhattan
  • Queens
  • Brooklyn
  • The Bronx
  • Westchester County
  • Nassau County
  • Northern, New Jersey
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Bed Bugs Are No Longer Safe ANYWHERE in New York City, Westchester County or Long Island, NY

What we’re trying to say here is that with our new Strategic Application Spray Treatment, Bed Bugs are no longer safe anywhere. Our Bed Bug Technicians will assess any infested rooms you may have in your house and make a decision as to the amount of spraying to apply.

Our most common application is to spray in narrow 2” band barriers along your box spring. However, based on where we may see an infestation origin, we may opt to spray in either a different place entirely or in addition to your box spring.

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Industries we provide Bed Bug Treatment & Inspections for

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Preparation Guidelines for Standard Pest Managements’ Biopesticide Treatment

Like any important pest control or exterminating solution, there are a set of strict guidelines we need any one of our customers to follow before we’re able to provide treatment. This is very important. In many cases it may be for effectiveness of the service as well as health being the chief concern. However in this case, the latter is priority.

In order for Standard Pest Managements’ biopesticide spray treatment to work as intended, our experts and project manager will strongly advise that you please follow these guidelines so that we can make your home a Bed Bug-free zone. The more you are able to prepare, then the better and sooner your results will be!

  • Any rooms that need to be treated needs to be carefully prepared before treatment is to begin.
  • Please remove all articles of clothing, wash them and place them in the dryer under high heat for at least 40 minutes.
  • Make sure clothes are removed from dresser drawers, closets and items elsewhere such as over chairs, furniture and on the floor.
  • Please remove all articles of clothing, wash them and place them in the dryer under high heat for at least 40 minutes.
  • Dispose of all cardboard, unnecessary items, and garbage promptly.
  • Remove all items available underneath the bed(s) to disable any potential access points for bed bugs.
  • Strip all items of bedding away from mattress including sheets, pillows, pillow sheets, comforters, blankets and more. These all need to be brought to a dry cleaner and cleaned in the appropriate manner.
  • Remove all items from any desks, tables or furniture pieces.
  • Remove any items from the borders of the walls, baseboard as well as moulding. dust is not your friend in this situation.
  • For beds that have storage underneath (cabin beds) please remove all articles of clothing, as well as items from the drawers inside. Pack these up, seal them, wash and dry the clothing on high heat for at least 40 minutes.
  • Move all furniture in each room at least three feet from the wall so that we’re not blocking any access paths for the bed bugs. (please do not re-arrange any furniture. Please leave it exactly as it was, just moved about three feet away from the wall)
  • Make sure air vents are also properly cleaned, our product is far more effective on clean surfaces.
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Post-Treatment Guidelines & Recommendations

After a successful treatment, please follow these guidelines. We promise you that it’s our very goal to make sure things go back to normal as quickly as possible in your home. We’re very sorry for any inconvenience with the initial preparation but you’ll see that it was fully worth it.

  • Clothing that was dried and placed in large knotted bags and sealed can now be returned to its respective areas in your room(s).
  • Please make sure that no matter what, your bed remains at least 3 inches away from any bed bug access path (wall) at all times for at least 7 days after treatment.
  • The rest of your furniture can go back against their walls.
  • Bedding can be placed back again (at technician’s discretion advice).
  • Please try to avoid bringing cardboard and excess garbage/materials. These are havens for bed bugs.
  • All items can be returned to their respective places.

Watch the Power Behind Standard Pest Managements’ Apprehend Spray Treatment!

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Effortless Bed Bug Biopestcide Treatment Available For Commercial Or Residential Properties Throughout The New York City Metro Area.

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