
Bee Removal & Control

bald faced hornet's nest removal in NYC

Fast & Safe Bee's Nest Removal. Call Now.

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Bee Treatment & Nest Removal Services in the New York City Metro Area

Although bees are beneficial insects for the environment due to pollination, they do in fact pose a threat to humans. No one like to be stung, especially those that are medically allergic to bee stings. When your space is being invaded by bees, it’s important to properly identify whom exactly is the invader. We have dealt with all different types and distant relatives or species of bees including Wasps, Hornets, Yellow Jackets and more.

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Some of these species live above ground, while others live below ground. Each species also has different ways of organizing their colonies. Some bees may be aggressive while others are generally docile as long as they are left alone. A bee sting can be painful and will cause swelling plus irritation that could last for days. Standard Pest Management can help you with any potential bee invasion problem you may be having and are experts when it comes to hive removal.

Bee Species & Identification

Types of Stinging Insects

The Types of Bees You Should Be Concerned With

  • Carpenter Bees
  • Wasps
  • Hornets
  • Bald Faced Hornets
  • Yellow Jackets
  • Hornets
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Bee's Nest? Get in Touch With Standard Pest Management

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Areas we Service

All Phases of Bee's Nest Removal & Control Since 1929 Within NYC

  • New York City
  • Manhattan
  • Queens
  • Brooklyn
  • The Bronx
  • Westchester County
  • Nassau County
  • Northern, New Jersey

Watch Us Remove a Bald-Faced Hornet's Nest


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Hornet Treatment & Nest Removal

Have a Hornet problem? We’ll get rid of them for good! Standard Pest specializes in Hornet removal services. You can easily tell whether there are hornets on your property by spotting the nest. It appears as though its made out of light gray paper and can be quite large.

We take Hornet problems very seriously because they pose a life threatening danger to humans. Hornets are capable of stinging multiple times which can cause severe pain, swelling and even death for those that are allergic. They are also a very aggressive bee species and should not be bothered.

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Industries we provide Bee's Nest Removal & Treatment for

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Wasp Treatment & Nest Removal

A wasp nest can usually be found in high places or underneath overhangs where humans may have a tough time reaching them. This is of course done on purpose so that they feel protected from the elements and us. You might see a wasp nest hanging from a tree branch, a building or even within a bush. We can’t stress to you enough though to not disrupt any Wasp nest. These types of bees can become very aggressive and will attack quickly if they feel that their colony is being threatened.

Standard Pest Management Technicians will arrive at your home or business equipped in a fully protected bee suit so that we can extract the nest without any immediate danger of being stung. Safety is a big priority for our customers and technicians. There may also be several different nests in and around your property, so we’ll provide a thorough inspection to make sure there aren’t existing nests present on your property that need removal.

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Treatment Options for Commercial Facilities & Common Pests

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Carpenter Bee Treatment & Nest Removal

The carpenter bee is unique in that this species bore through wood in order to develop nesting colonies. Therefore they are difficult to reach and remove. You should not attempt to do this by yourself, it should only be done by a professional pest management company that has the team as well as tools to properly remove them.

You can tell you’ve got an infestation by seeing visible pencil-sized holes within the wood or siding of your home. Although paint and staining can be a good deterrent, Carpenter Bees will in fact drill into almost any type of wood without a problem.

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Yellow Jacket Treatment & Nest Removal

Just as their name states, they appear to have bright stripes of yellow and black across their abdomen. They are also a major hazard to humans because of their aggressive nature. You’ll typically find them swarming around garbage cans as well as anywhere food is being served outdoors.

This is because they are carnivorous insects. During their larval stage, worker bees will scavenge looking for meat and sweets to feed their young. Yellow Jackets will build nests in and around property, areas such as within trees, shrubs and even inside your home’s walls.

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Bald-Faced Hornet Treatment & Nest Removal

Although Bald-Faced Hornets (also called “White Faced Hornets) have a bad reputation for being aggressive, it’s only when defending their nest. Outside of the nest, they tend to be beneficial insects killing other pesky bugs in the environment like flies.

Their nests are what you usually see in Hollywood movies and are the shape of a football and of a slight grayish color. We often get calls for Bald-Faced Hornet removal when their nest is located in close proximity to a home, building or generally: people.

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Residential Bee Treatment & Removal Solutions

Whether you spot a nest from your apartment balcony or own a home and have a bee problem, Standard Pest can help immediately. With the combination of experience going back to 1929 and local partnerships with beekeepers, our technicians can safely remove a bees nest and keep your family out of harm’s way.

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Commercial Bee Treatment & Removal Services

Many will just spray without targeting the initial hive, leaving you with a still-present problem. We have a professionally trained bee removal and exterminating staff available for all of your commercial needs. Don’t let bees control your employee’s productivity or scare away customers and clients.

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Developing a Custom Bee Control Program Fit Just for You

Rather than developing an extermination process, we recognize that bees are beneficial to the environment. They’re really just a threat to humans when in close contact. Therefore it’s our commitment to utilize every possible treatment effort to properly eradicate bee colonies from your property. Don’t Get Stung! Call the Experts.

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Effortless Bee Removal & Control Available For Commercial Or Residential Properties Throughout The New York City Metro Area.

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