
Bed Bug Facts

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Bedbug Facts & Information

The common Bedbug (Cimex Lectularius) is species that most frequently feeds on the blood of humans. Bed bug’s interactions with man dates back to early civilization and were probably introduced to the US by very early immigration. Cimex Lectularius was believed to have been eradicated from America in the 1950s due to several factors including the use of insecticides such as DDT and malathion.

wavey-lines-pink-dark wavey-lines-blue-dark Bed Bug Life Cycle Illustrations
blue 800 dot grid shape pink 700 dot grid shape Bed Bug Macro Image

The Rise of Bedbugs Within the NYC & NJ Metro Area

Since 1998 bed bug populations have been rapidly expanding. Within the last few years, bed bug infestations have increased significantly in all sectors and aspects of life so much so that New York City is currently experiencing a bed bug epidemic. New York’s densely populated buildings, recycling of infested items and constant people movement; make it a perfect habitat for bed bugs to thrive in. In response, The New York City Bed Bug Advisory Board was created to map out a comprehensive strategy and best practices to enable New Yorkers to take back the night.

Bed Bug Control

Bed Bug Treatment & Inspection Options

blue 800 dot grid shape pink 700 dot grid shape Bed Bug crawling across bedding

Our In-House Entomologist

Gil Bloom, Standard’s Vice President and Certified Entomologist, is one of the five members on this advisory board. Gil’s years of experience and knowledge directs our teams of certified technicians in their modern approach to bed bug management which includes inspection, monitoring, chemical/dust application, exclusion, thermal treatment and steaming treatments. In addition Standard offers in-service presentations and educational programs to a variety of folks.

  • Cast Skins: bed bugs shed their skins as they mature.
  • Eggs: Very small and they are not easily detected by an untrained eye.

Have some more questions about Bedbugs or curious about identification? Why not get in touch with our very own in-house entomologist?

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Areas we Service

All Phases of Bed Bug Treatment Since 1929 Throughout NYC

  • New York City
  • Manhattan
  • Queens
  • Brooklyn
  • The Bronx
  • Westchester County
  • Nassau County
  • Northern, New Jersey
blue 800 dot grid shape pink 700 dot grid shape Bed Bug Life Cylce Nymph Stage Illustration

Bed Bug (Nymph Stage) Cimicidae (Family)

Initial extensive treatment and removal by trained Standard technicians includes:

  • Intensive treatment of sleeping areas
  • Intensive treatment of upholstered and non-upholstered furniture
  • Perimeter treatment of rooms and baseboards/molding
  • Placement of monitor traps
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Effortless Bed Bug Extermination & Inspections Available For Commercial Or Residential Properties Throughout The New York City Metro Area.

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